
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Beghtel. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Bernard Roop [I0265] January 16, 1910 August 3, 1974 Dorothy Mae Johnson
Bobbi Nanette [I2310] May 25, 1973 Bryan Dion Robert William Beghtel Nancy Diane Roush
Cynthia Ann [I2307] October 24, 1968 Gregory Scott Dreesen Robert William Beghtel Nancy Diane Roush
Holly Diane [I2308] November 13, 1970 Michael Kersten Robert William Beghtel Nancy Diane Roush
Marley Lane [I2323] September 15, 1998 Michael Dale Beghtel Melissa Marie
Mason Roop [I2322] July 14, 1994 Michael Dale Beghtel Melissa Marie
Michael Dale [I2309] October 8, 1971 Melissa Marie Robert William Beghtel Nancy Diane Roush
Robert William [I0266] November 14, 1945 Nancy Diane Roush Bernard Roop Beghtel Dorothy Mae Johnson
Sharon Ann [I0268] October 19, 1950 Kirk Rode, Donald Morse Clem Bernard Roop Beghtel Dorothy Mae Johnson
William Albert [I0267] March 28, 1949 Bernard Roop Beghtel Dorothy Mae Johnson